Do You Know What Keeps Your Dyslexic Kids Awake At Night?
The fears that everyone will find out they can’t read, spell or write, so they’ll be found out and confronted.
The thought of being singled out and exposed as not being able to read and comprehend properly
This is a constant terror reverberating in their minds….
How much do you want to help them, and where do you find expert help?
Join my Introductory Workshop on Saturday 24th July 2021
“The Six Simple Keys
Breaking the Chains of Dyslexia, and Embracing its Gift”
(2 Hours Online)
Breaking the Chains of Dyslexia
Understanding the world of Dyslexia
Special offer per family household
Book Now for You and your Children
Only £27.00
Saturday 24th July 2021
Online 10am – 12pm
(Sales End 22nd July 2021)

Together we will explore:-
Understanding the world of Dyslexia
The Read System™
Strengths and challenges
Left/ Right brain understanding
Developing Self-Esteem
Restoring Self-Confidence
Embracing the Gift of dyslexia
You will also receive a Free Copy of my ebook

Why choose me
I‘m PASSIONATE about helping teenagers and young adults fulfil their potential by overcoming the challenges and embracing the gift, of being dyslexic.
I’m also dyslexic, although I didn’t find out until I was 35 years old.
I lived my early life thinking something was “wrong” with me.
No one identified the reason why I couldn’t understand the basic structure of words and had such problems with reading and writing.
No child should have to live with that confusion, maybe blame themselves or give up on themselves because they think they’re educationally below par and won’t amount to anything.
I also know how frustrated and angry you can get when no one recognises or understands what your problem is, why you just don’t “get it” – and how it’s so not your fault!

Dyslexia is now recognised as the nation’s number one learning disability effecting
One in five may have dyslexia causing them to struggle with
Social Skills
Short-term Memory
This manifests in different ways effecting everyday
If this is you or a family member?
Then You will know first hand what I’m talking about.
Every teacher likely has at least one or two dyslexic children in his or her classroom today
You and your Dyslexic Children will definitely get value from investing 2 hours of your time with me on Saturday 24th July 2021, so sign up by clicking the “BUY NOW” button. I look forward to meeting you online (via Zoom from the safety of your own home), and help you Breaking the Chains of Dyslexia

Breaking the Chains of Dyslexia
Understanding the world of Dyslexia
Special offer per family household
Book Now for You and your Children
Only £27.00
Saturday 24th July 2021
Online 10am – 12pm
(Sales End 22nd July 2021)
Don’t just take my word for it, this is
What People Say About my Work
Oliver aged 7
Abigail aged 13
After attending one of Anita’s Dyslexia Events I did not hesitate to book on the Family Breakthrough Session. My son Oliver aged 7, was only getting 1 out of 7 spelling correct in school and now as a result of attending the Family Breakthrough Session is getting 7 out of 7 spelling correct, thats just brilliant and doing so much better at school.
My daughter Abigail aged 13 confidences has grown and is more focused on what she is able to do now and not what she can’t, this has given her the belief and motivation to try new things and achieve them.
Being a parent I would recommend Anita work to all and to school as it works.
Thank you Anita for your support.
Claire Wileman.
L.S. – aged 21
I would recommend Anita to anyone who is in need of support and guidance not only in work but all areas of their life, as the experience has developed me as a person. Not only this but Anita’s ability to provide compassion and encouragement throughout the most difficult of times was absolutely wonderful and she can be relied upon no matter what the time.
Thank you for everything!
L.S. – aged 21
A Mom from Myanmar (formally Burma)
Your first step to breaking the Chains of Dyslexia is a great help to me. I have a son who has learning difference. Your suggestions on how to understand him were a big deal. All mothers like to nag a naughty son. But your suggestions make my son get lesser nag.
We are far for distance but near in a common interest. If the world doesn’t have people like you, we, the mothers will be in a bit trouble. I salute you for this. Great Job was done.
Big Thanks to you. Hugs!
Best Regards,
Angeline Thet Thet Htun
A Mom from Myanmar
Breaking the Chains of Dyslexia
Understanding the world of Dyslexia
Special offer per family household
Book Now for You and your Children
Only £27.00
Saturday 24th July 2021
Online 10am – 12pm
(Sales End 22nd July 2021)
I’m 52 years old and recently been assessed and told I have dyslexia. It was a relief to have an answer for my struggles. While in many ways I have achieved a lot I’ve always considered myself a failure. The failure part is the side that can’t add up, finds difficulty remembering and experiences an enormous difficulty expressing myself.
Tired of the constant battle with low self-esteem I sought Anita’s help to assist me to feel better about myself. Her approach using techniques such as NLP and visualisation is gentle and illuminating. I am not hot on doing homework for obvious reasons but I felt encouraged to do it and to consolidate what I’d learnt during each session. Planning ahead was a good way of empowering me to take control of what I wanted from the sessions.
As a result of my coaching experience, I have learnt to like and understand the side of me that is the ‘trouble’ causer for without it I wouldn’t be half as creative, nor inventive. Consequently, I feel better about myself, as a joined-up person, thanks to Anita’s professional coaching and guidance.
S and T
I went to Anita’s dyslexia workshop with my son. We found how effective Anita’s “read system” is with the 4 colour pen works. Also how the word bed as made a difference in son’s recognizing the way the letters b and d are faced. He now feels he is special having Dyslexia after understanding the gifts and advantages it has and that’s allowed his confidence to grow. I would recommend Anita’s workshops for all that are dyslexic.
Thank you
S and T
Breaking the Chains of Dyslexia
Understanding the world of Dyslexia
Special offer per family household
Book Now for You and your Children
Only £27.00
Saturday 24th July 2021
Online 10am – 12pm
(Sales End 22nd July 2021)